
アート批評欄art page 960009
暁には(完成の)with (the completion) 970006
明るい(展示室)brightly lit (exhibition area) 970010
悪臭の漂うgiving off offensive smells 961113
アジア太平洋地域the Asia-Pacific region 970005
圧力容器pressure vessels 970012
当てる(触れさせる)apply - to 970013
穴を開けずにそのまま釘を打つnail without drilling nailholes 981116
あり方aspects 960011
あるべき姿what ... should be 981103
安定供給stable supply 960003
意外性surprise 960014
いきいきとした(まちづくり)lively 960006
「生きるということ」"Being and Meaning" 960007
意識変革するchange the consciousness 970014
異常振動abnormal vibration 981113
以上申し上げましたとおりAs mentioned, 970006
伊豆七島the Izu Archipelago 960012
いずれにしてもat any event 960004
急ぐaccelerate 981109
板材sidings 981111
いただくときupon their receipt 960001
一大生産消費圏a large-scale production and consumption sphere 960015
一年分の収入になるprovide a year's income 9600mt
いちはやくbe among the first to 970012
一目瞭然permit easy monitoring 981115
一挙at one fell stroke 981105
一体となって機能するsupplement those (currently available) at ... 961108
一体をなすbe an important part of 970010
(東京)一点集中(district) coverage solely on Tokyo 970004
一般機conventional machine 970018
一般の人々general public 960003
the average citizen 961113
遺伝病genetic disease 9700mt
移動方向direction in which the user is heading 961112
依頼者the party who request 970002
いびつさdistortion 981102
イベント主義an event-dependent mode 960014
違法建築illegally constructed structures 970009
いまの傾向が続けばat the current rate of - 9600mt
医薬品分野pharmaceutical field 970006
医療衛生材料medical and sanitary materials 981115
色あせた(名言が)obsolete 961109
no longer valid
言われているbe considered to be 960013
インドシナ難民問題the refugee issues of Indochina 960011
(〜の)上に成り立っているdepend on 961107
浮かび上がらせるhighlight 960009
受け入れ状況(廃棄物の)acceptance record 960018
動き回る(犬が自由に)roam 981117
映す(ビデオテープを)display (a videotape) 961112
訴える(理念を)bring about deeper understanding of 970010
familiarize (people) with
裏切られる(先入観が)preconception is disproved 960007
潤い(生活の)enriching 981103
運営維持を行うofficiate 960008
運転中during operation 981113
営業所sales offices 970012
影響を受けないbe unaffected 981116
栄養塩類nutrient salts 960012
液状化liquefaction of the ground-soil 970008
エネルギー投入量the amount of the energy used 981119
延長線上にあるIt is in the context that - 981120
遠路のところまことに恐縮ですがwe realize that asking you to travel such a great distance constitutes a heavy imposition, yet 961102
(〜に)おいてはin terms of - 960011
老いや死age and death 960007
aging and dying
お祝いを申し上げるI would like to congratulate you on 960003
おかげさまでthanks to the continuing patronage of our ever expanding clientele 970012
小笠原諸島the Ogasawara Islands 960012
沖合人口島offshore man-made island 981109
沖待ちの船vessels waiting offshore 961113
お里帰りする(文化が)be reintroduced 960009
お時間をいただきthank you for your valuable time 960003
(今後一層の)おつきあいをcontinue to enjoy a long and 960003
mutually advantageous relationship
同じ色のof corresponding color 970015
(〜と)同じくらいの大きさbe the size of - 960007
同じことが言えるthe same kind of - exist in regard to 960007
in size, it is comparable to that of -
its size is about the same as that of -
お話しするaddress 970004
オフであるnot be in the office 9600ic
(文化という)オブラートにくるまれたsurrounded and affected by (our culture) 960007
tempered by (culture)
お目にかかるhave the pleasure (or privilege) of meeting 970002
重い物がのっているunder heavy load 981116
外圧(強い)(strong)overseas pressure 981120
pressure exerted by a (powerful) trading partner
海外で注目されるarouse international interest 960009
会議を行うmeet 981108
開始後12〜22分で12 to 22 minutes from the start of 961112
解消される(後遺症が)heal 970008
海象条件nautical conditions 960015
海上都市offshore cities 981106
海上文化都市cultural city on the sea 961108
解体除去(建築物の)demolition and removal 970009
開拓使development officials 961113
開拓する(市場を)open 970006
海底地形protuberances on the sea bed 960012
outcroppings on the sea bed
the configuration of the sea bed
快適な(交通機関)convenient (public transportation system) 961105
開発教育development education 960011
開発協力(海外での)(overseas) development cooperation 960011
海抜マイナス134メートル134 meters below sea level 981105
(すっかり)回復したbe completely recovered 970001
外壁材exterior wall 981111
過給ボイラsupercharged boiler 970012
各工程each stage 981111
学識経験者scholars 981103
leaders from academic circles
学術交流academic exchanges 961101
拡大する(月一便を週一便に)the monthly liner service is increased to once a week 961113
拡大する(被害を)amplify 961109
(〜を)核とする地域the area, which centers on - , 960015
学年制がないhave no division of students by grades 981118
各部門authorities of various fields 970007
departments concerned
格別の(ご協力)generous 970003
確保するensure 981109
攪乱turbulence 96
仮題tentatively titled 981101
堅い土質seabed which has been compacted 960018
加工中during processing 981116
過酷な用途でunder severe conditions 981115
過去、現在、未来にわたりthroughout its past and into the future 970006
火山性漁礁fishing banks of volcanic origin 960012
飽食におぼれるbe dulled by the proliferation of food 970017
河川を通じて運ばれるbe carried by rivers 960015
下層の水subsurface waters 960012
ガタlooseness 981113
課題major concern 970008
(〜が)課題となっているone of the great challenges is to - 960005
片田舎の漁村a rural fishing village 960007
硬さrigidity 981116
かつて例を見なかったthis is the first time in history that - 960009
活動時間(人間の)the hours for human activity 970011
活力economic support 981108
金さえ払えばmoney is the answer to any - 970017
可能性を探るinvestigate the feasibility of 981108
(国際協力が)可能な領域areas for possible (international cooperation) 960013
噛み込まれるbe caught in 970013
カルシウム過多calcium overload 9700tr
考える上でin approaching 960007
when considering
(〜ということを)考えるとin view of the fact that 960002
喚起するstimulate 960014
環境に優しいenvironmentally friendly 981119
関係者individuals who play a part in ... 961101
関係資料related information 981108
監事inspector 960008
感じさせる(新しい物を)impart a sense of (something new) 960014
感性的価値sensitivity value 960014
感度が悪くなるsensitivity decreases 970016
管内風速internal air speed 970018
完璧だったextremely well (arranged) 970003
管理者(集合住宅の)the management 981117
関連会社associated companies 970012
(〜)関連技術...-related technologies 961104
関連工事related service 970012
機械的な(学び方が)theoretical 961109
(〜を)機会にin conjunction with 960004
企画演出力the planning ability 960009
規格統一standardizing 981119
期間(表の項目として)period 960018
機関車型ボイラlocomotive boiler 970012
企業視察company visit 981108
企業の体質corporate image 970014
技術の動向technology (or technological) trends 960013
競う(〜を)- is a critical factor 981115
基礎となるform the foundation (or cornerstone) 960003
期待に応えるrespond to the expectations 960011
(この契約を)機にthrough this agreement 960003
(この提携を)機にbased on the partnership pact 961102
記念すべき第一歩としてas the memorable first step to this end 961102
機能本位のemphasized function only 961113
ギャップ(考え方の)conceptual difference 961113
吸収する(文化を)assimilate 960007
急上昇する(〜位に)climb up to the -th place 981114
休息rest 970011
急速な進歩を遂げるbe being developed at an ever increasing rate 960013
be making rapid progress
吸入圧intake pressure 981115
救命(震災での)rescue 961109
教育改革プログラムProgram for Education Reform 981118
共感を呼ぶ(多くの人の)win the sympathy (of many) 961113
狂犬病注射rabies shot 981117
共生(人間と自然との)harmonious coexistence (of nature and humans) 961107
行政administrative efforts 970005
共通の(問題)pertaining to 960016
共通の世界(を探る)(seek) similarities 960007
共同出資するco-jointly finance 961108
強熱減量ignition loss 960018
業務核都市a business and commercial center 961105
業務処理business processes 970014
共用階段common staircase 970009
協力関係cooperative relationship 981101
協力を求めるseek the cooperation of 981119
居住面積floor area 970007
巨大化するburgeoning 960011
清らかな(自然)pristine 981104
去勢(ペットの)neutering 981117
拠点となるserve as a center of ... 961102
切り拓く(未来を)prepare (for the future) 981103
キロ〜ドルで取り引きされるtraded at $ - per kilo 9600mt
緊急寄宿施設emergency boarding accommodations 981117
金属部metal parts 970013
区(処分場の)sector 960018
空前の被害damage of unprecedented proportion 961109
草の根民主主義grassroots democracy 960011
駆使するmake full use of 970012
具体的に言うとfor instance, 960007
具体的にはSpecifically, 981119
加える(知識を)incorporate 981105
くらしぶりthe ways of life for people 981101
グリース補給greasing 970018
繰り返し主張するcontinue its appeal 961113
経営力managerial ability 970006
計画ではas to the schedule 970002
景観を維持するmaintain the scenic beauty of the area 961113
(〜を)契機にas an outcome of 961106
経済協力関係economic cooperation system 981108
経済・社会を取り巻く環境the socioeconomic environment 960006
経済中心のeconomy-oriented 960011
concentrated on economic factors
経済力(国の)national turnover 970004
形成(居住環境の)development (of a residential environment) 970007
系列(科目の)track 981118
決意を新たにするrenew our resolution 961102
決算報告するannounce the settlement of its account 981114
欠陥(都市づくりの)shortcomings (in urban planning) 961109
血流bloodstream 9700tr
煙の量smoke density 970016
研究開発従業員R&D employee 981114
兼業part-time operator 970017
健康を害しbecause of my health 970001
due to reasons of health
(病気の)件数the number of outbreaks 960002
建設残土excavated earth from construction sites 960018
原則としてin principle 961106
減反acreage cutbacks 970017
現地home country 961103
現地で(対策を講じる)on the local level 9600mt
検討課題であるneed to be examined 960011
高圧電気ボイラhigh-pressure electric boiler 970012
後遺症(地震の)scar left (by the earthquake) 970008
講演会lecture meeting 960008
公害防止対策事業pollution control project 960015
工業用for industrial applications 981116
好漁場となるbanks provide - with excellent fishing for 960012
航行するpath 981109
工事会社construction company 970014
高精度のhighly sophisticated 981115
高性能high-performance 970012
構造性漁礁tectonic banks 960012
高速艇high-speed hydrofoil 970008
構築を進めるdevise 981111
耕地利用率the use of arable land 970017
交通機関public transportation system 961105
広範な人々a wide range of people 960009
工法installation method 981111
港湾貨物seaborne cargo 961113
(大阪市)港湾局the Port and Harbor Bureau of (Osaka Municipality) 960015
港湾地域port and harbor area 970008
コーナー部分corner section 981111
護岸seawall 981109
国益national interests 981102
国際交流international exchange 970005
国際女性年International Women's Year 960016
国民の支持基盤popular support 960011
国連女性の10年U.N. Decade for Women 960016
固形廃棄物solid matter that needs to be disposed of 981119
ここでもHere again, 970009
(新しい)試みを行うput into practice various new attempts 960011
心を豊かにするenrich the hearts of 970010
ゴシップ記者social columnist 961114
故障ではないThis phenomenon is not due to malfunction. 970016
This is not a malfunction.
ご使用の前にBefore Use 970016
個人住宅individually owned housing 970007
個人、団体、国の内外を問わずirregardless of their nationality, organization, or affiliation 961106
個人的問題private matter 9700mt
個性を生かすdevelop individual talents 981118
古代よりfrom times past 970004
事からして(わかる)as can be seen by 961114
この件に関してin this regard 960003
好みpreferences 981118
コミュニケーションを図るcommunicate with 981108
ゴムパッキンrubber packing 970015
コルニッシュボイラCornish boiler 970012
これで・・・を終わります。This concludes ... 981109
根幹都市施設essential urban facility 981107
根幹をなすform the foundation of 961104
混合ワクチンmixed vaccination 981117
今後のご活躍(in) their future activities 960006
今後の取り組みfuture tasks (or prospect) 981103
再会するmeet ... again 960003
最後にFinally, 960013
採取(資源の)procurement (of raw materials) 981119
最終打ち合わせfinal meeting 970001
再度設定する(重点課題を)reassign 961103
再度説明するclarify 960004
最南端に位置するlocate just south of - 960007
盛り場amusement districts 970011
盛んな(産業が)flourishing 970006
作成する(日程を)finalize 970003
探る(あるべき姿を)clarify 981103
探る(優れた企業を)discover 981114
左図figure at left 970016
産学官の連携the cooperation of the industrial, academic, and official circles 960006
参加国participating countries 970005
参加するattend 970002
産業界industries 981119
残光装置after-glow device 970013
サンゴ漁礁coral reefs 960012
散在するbe found scattered 960012
算出基準a reading standard 981119
賛助会員support member 960008
サンドドレーンsand piles 981109
残留農薬residual agricultural chemicals 960002
(高い)シェアを誇るboast a large market share for 970012
時間帯time lot 970014
志願倍率applicant-to-opening ratio 981118
時間を費やすtime-consuming 961103
四季の変化the changing seasons 961112
事業activities 970005
事業所work-place 970006
事業内容business activities 970012
事業量(表の項目として)volume to be handled 960018
視察団mission 981108
支障がないwithout any problem 981115
市場実態the actual market situation 961103
事前協議制Prior Consultation System 981120
自然を損なわないようにin harmony with the original layout of the landscape 970010
without destroying naturalness
時代の変遷とともに(発展する)through the years 961101
事態を改善するrectify the situation 960011
時代を迎えてat a time when - 981102
下着類garments 981102
質的転換(産業の)retaionalization 961108
指定時間(exact) appointment 970014
自動運転automatic operation 970016
(強い)指導力strict guidance 960002
支部(協会の)chapter 960008
支部長chapter head 960008
謝礼honorarium 970003
(〜)しないようにso as not to 981113
社会貢献度philanthropy 981114
社会性(企業の)social responsibility 981114
社会に貢献するcontribute to society 970012
借地農(国家)tenant farmer 970017
収益力profitability 981114
集荷場所(貨物の)a (cargo) transit area 961108
集合住宅housing development 981117
housing complex
集積されるbe rich in 960012
集積する(〜に)concentrate in 970006
住宅設備機器residential fixtures and equipment 981119
住宅対策housing measures 961109
住宅難housing problem 970007
住宅に困るhave difficulty finding adequate housing 970007
住宅面積living area 970007
重点課題important issues 961103
自由な時間(仕事後の)leisure hours 970011
十二分に達成される(目的が)be fully achieved (through) 961104
就任年令age at the time of his assuming the position 981114
(いっそう)重要な地位を占めるgain an (increasingly) important position 960013
宿泊施設accommodation facilities 970008
取材班camera crew 981101
主旨(企画の)intention 981101
樹脂やせresin deterioration 981116
主体authorities 970009
出産可能年齢child-bearing age 9700mt
出張official trip 960004
首都だったserved as the nation's capital 970004
準拠してin line with 981107
準ずる(それに)equivalent (to them) 981114
浚渫dredging 960015
準備するmake arrangement for 970002
省エネルギー装置every-conserving equipment 970012
商業集積business concentration 960014
上下水道water and sewage lines 981106
上下水道汚泥effluent (or sludge) from city water and sewerage systems 960018
条件としてas a condition of 981117
上図・中央のスイッチthe central switch in the illustration above 970016
商店街shopping arcade or mall 960014
消灯するgo off 970013
消費者部門consumer market 960013
情報化時代the information age 960013
使用前にbefore use 970013
賞味期限use-by date 960002
常務理事executive director 960008
ショートshort-circuiting 970013
所期の目的intended objectives 960005
職業水準occupational status 960016
working standard
職業を持つhold jobs 960016
嘱望されたprospected 961106
食糧自給表food self-sufficiency 970017
女性問題women's issues 970005
処分disposal 960015
処分場disposal sites 960018
書面で確認するidentify in writing 981117
所要時間が短いtake less time to 981114
知らずにwithout knowledge 960004
人員の不足staff shortage 960011
真空温水ボイラvacuum-type hot water boiler (VEC) 970012
真空包装機vacuum packaging machine 981115
真空滅菌器vacuum sterilizer 981115
人口分散政策population dispersion policy 981105
人災的側面human factors 961109
人事責任者personnel manager 961103
進取のenterprising 970006
慎重を期すgive careful consideration to 981107
人的及び情報の交流friendship and informational exchange 961106
親友close friend 970002
新緑spring-time greenery(foliage) 970003
人類社会human society 961104
人類の営みmankind's prosperity 981104
進路(生徒の)proposed area of study 981118
推薦(リーダーの)nomination 961106
推薦状nomination form 961106
推薦方式selection policy 961106
水都創造Creating Aquapolises 961107
水分moisture 981115
据え付けるinstall 981109
すみずみまで配慮されたwith extreme care down to the minutest part 981115
thoughtfully (for users)
スライドさせて外すslide off 970016
寸法安定性dimensional stability 981116
瀬(火山帯の)shallows (of volcanic zones) 960012
成因origin 960012
西欧中心のWestern-oriented 960011
性格の変化the changing nature 960013
「政・官・業」の結びつきpolitical-bureaucratic-industrial collusion 981102
成功に向けてtowards making ... possible 981104
政策の貧しさpoor policy-making 970017
正式借用書the formal acknowledgement of loan agreement 981102
生徒が主体的に学べるstudent centered 981118
整備された(経済環境が)with a stable economic base 981105
整備しつつあるhas speeded up the process for 960002
整備するmaintain and improve 961104
construct 961108
整備する(産業基盤を)upgrade (the industrial infrastructure ) 960006
政府及び地方公共団体national and local government 960002
生物生育条件a life-sustaining level 960015
生物生産biological production 960012
石油燃焼装置coal firing equipment 970012
施工installation of works 981111
施工管理construction management 981109
施工現場work site 981111
是正を要求するpress for the correction of 981120
世帯人口members per household 970007
絶対多数を占めるrepresent the majority 970007
(強力な)接着力(excellent) adhesive properties 981116
前回首位だったlast year's top-ranking 981114
前回と同様as on the previous occasion 970001
全国でin the entire country 970007
全社に広げるbe incorporated into one's entire structure 981119
全社を挙げたcompany-wide 970014
専従事務局regular staff member 960008
選択科目elective subjects 981118
(〜という)前提でbased on the premise that 960013
先導的対応を展開するtake the initiative 961104
lead the nation
lead the way
先頭に立つtake the leadership in -ing 970014
専用工具specified tool 981115
全力を挙げるdevote all one's energy to 981120
総合学科(高校の)comprehensive course program 981118
総合的に見るtake a comprehensive look at - 960009
相互信頼good faith between ... 961106
相互理解を深めるfoster greater understanding between - 970005
掃除口cleaning outlet 981115
創造推進creation and promotion 960005
想像の糧a source of creative inspiration 960009
想定範囲内でwithin the scale of assumtions 961109
速乾性のあるquick bonding 981116
即興に富む対話をするactively exchange their opinions 960007
(ポリシーに)沿ったin compliance with 960004
そっぽを向かれるnot attract (students) 981118
その間at about this time 970012
during these years
その中でin which I learned 970002
第一線で活躍するactive in the forefront of their respective fields 960006
第一歩(体験の)first encounter 960007
対応したmeet the requirements 961108
対応して(〜に)along with this shift 960002
in the face of 961108
対応して(変化に)meet the changes 970012
対応の道way to deal with 981104
耐久力に優れるextend machine service life 970018
(〜において様々な)体験をするexperience various aspects of ... 961106
対策remedy 981113
第三世界Third World 960011
第三の(新たな)an alternative to 981118
耐衝撃のimpact resistant 981116
体制structure 970005
体制が整う(コンベンション受け入れの)be ready to (host conventions) 970008
堆積有機汚泥accumulated organic sludge 960015
代替バスbuses to compensate for 970008
耐薬品性chemical resistance 981116
太陽光線のもとでunder the rays of the sun 970011
during daylight hours
during the daytime
太陽透入層euphotic layer
倒す(幕府を)topple 961113
竹の中庭enclosed bamboo garden 970010
打設するdrive 981109
sink into
多大な(エネルギー)an exorbitant amount of 981119
多大なご尽力full cooperation (in - ) 960005
たたく(肩を)pummel 961112
達成度合い(基準の)performance 970014
建て替えるrebuild 961109
楽しさamusement 960014
(〜の)卵prospective, potential 960002
ためにon behalf of 970003
多様性diversity 960007
単位制高校credit-system high school 981118
短サイクル連発型のbased on recurrent short-cycle events 960014
男女平等社会a society where there is equality between the sexes 970005
短絡的な考えshort-sighted view 960014
地域冷暖房ボイラdistrict cooling/heating boiler 970012
力強い指導positive support 961103
strong encouragement
力を入れるdevote its efforts 981114
地球的規模でaround the world 981103
地球的視野global perspective 970005
着実な歩みを見せるbe gradually taking root 981118
中間値mean value 970007
中国公営住宅Chinese public housing 970007
調印するconclude 960003
長期的に避妊するpractice long-term contraception 9700mt
調査する(アンケートをとる)survey 961105
長尺ロールプレス板long roll pressed sheet 981116
調和する(自然美と)blends in with (the surroundings) 970010
直結させる(業務に)apply their know-how in their work 961103
賃貸契約lease agreement 981117
通学範囲school district 981118
通常it is customary for ... to ... 970002
通信制課程correspondent course 981118
使い方に注意を要するmust be used with care 981116
care is needed in handling it
handling requires caution
月一便の船a once-a-month liner service 961113
突き破る(ネジが)pierce 970015
〜付けdated 970001
都合を大切にする(お客様の)ensure consumer convenience 970014
つどいgathering 970005
出会う(生き方に)encounter 960007
低温特性low-temperature resistance 981116
低下傾向が続くbe constantly declining 970017
定期点検periodic inspection 981113
定時制過程part-time course 981118
底質環境seabed sediment quality 960015
低湿不良be of poor quality and condition 970007
定尺積層板standard-sized laminated sheet 981116
定着していないremain incomplete 970017
定着する(〜として)have now become well identified (with our community) as ... 961105
have taken root as ...
停泊する船ships at anchor 961113
低密度の(人口が)not densely populated 970009
sparsely populated
手元にあるavailable 960001
転機としてfollowing the end of ... 981107
伝承(文化の)dissemination (of culture) 981104
伝統が続くtradition continues 970012
展望future outlook 960013
倒壊collapsing 970008
統括官General Coordinator 981104
透析を受けているon dialysis 9700tr
透明性(会社の)transparency 981114
(過去と)同様as in the previous as in the past 970003
同様の活動をしているsharing a common commitment do so 981108
土運船carrying barge 960018
独自手法でbased on a unique method 981114
特色がある(〜に)be especially noted for its - 970010
都市計画に沿ってfollowing urban planning 981106
都市住宅urban housing 970007
都市人口urban population 970007
土砂excavated materials 981106
塗装して仕上げるfinish with paint 981111
土地事情land situation 970009
トップレベルのunsurpassed 970006
とまどいconfusion 961103
ともいわれるso-called 960016
be considered to be
とらえ直すrecapture 960014
とりあえずfor the time being 981102
取り上げながら(例として)with reference to 960013
with selected highlights of - being used as specific examples 960013
取り上げる(テーマとして)select 960007
取り組み(問題解決への)approaches (to the problems) 961107
取り組みが旺盛であるhave been involved in 961104
取り組む(問題に)address 981104
取り付け手順installation procedure 970015
取り付けねじmounting screw 970013
問われているbe being questioned 960011
トン級船舶1,000 ton-class vessels 981109
内外から(日本の)from within and without Japan 981104
内外に誇り得るit is a source of pride both here in Japan and overseas 981104
one we can proud of
内外のboth here and abroad 961104
内容(表の項目として)particulars 960018
長穴long hole 970015
などand others 960004
など(のようなもの)the like 981113
ナベネジpan-head screw 970015
並々ならぬ努力concerted efforts 960002
成り行き任せのlet-things-ride 960014
南西諸島Nansei Islands 960012
何でも吸収するabsorb everything he can 961103
入会審査screening process 960008
入念にwith conscientious attention to details 960009
ニューテクノロジー化を行うupgrade their technology and incorporate new ones 961104
ニューマポンプpneumatic pump 960018
認識する(していただきたい)keep this in mind 970006
understand and appreciate
塗り込むapply 981116
(〜しようという)熱意にあふれているbe admirably eager to 961103
熱心な取り組みがみられるbe aggressively pursued 960006
ネットワークづくりnetworking 981108
粘着物adhering deposit 981115
濃密化increase in the number and density of - 960012
臨むoverlook 981104
look out upon
場(国際的な)(international) arena 970005
場(となる)be the forum for 961104
把握する(緯度を)determine 961112
場当たり的なimprovised 960014
廃棄処理disposal 981119
(この)背景にはthis result can be assumed to reflect 960002
(〜を)背後圏を持つbe backed by the - area 960015
serve - area
排砂管discharging pipe 960018
排出するgenerate 981119
ばいじんsmoke particles 970012
廃熱ボイラwaste heat boilers 970012
配慮を加えてtaking into consideration other aspects of 981107
派遣する be sent 981108
端材scrap 981111
柱(目標)goal 970014
発信する(世界へ)disseminate (to the world) 961107
バッテリー切れbattery drain 970016
発表会を実施するgive a presentation 961103
抜本的な対策drastic measures 961109
measures which deal with the root of the problem
話をする(話に出る)your name figures prominently 970003
幅広い分野のa broad range of 981108
幅広く利用されているbe in widespread use 960013
be applied in various areas
はめる(コネクタを)engage 970013
早2年が経過したtwo years have already passed since 961105
ばらまき投資indiscriminate spending 981120
バランス良くbe well-balanced 981114
バランスを回復するrestore balance 9700tr
張る(ベルトを)adjust the belt tension 981113
半径の大きなlarger radius 970018
半減するdwindle by half 9600mt
半砂漠semi-desert 981105
半製品unfinished products 981119
美術品objects of art 970010
備蓄food reserves 970017
引っ張り強さtensile strength 981116
必要以上にexcessive 981117
unnecessarily 981117
必要な手を打つtake the necessary steps 961109
必要に迫られるthere is an urgent need to 981107
urgent need to
ひどい汚れexcessive accumulation 981113
避難所securing of shelters 961109
避妊(ペットの)spaying 981117
飛躍的に発展するdevelop rapidly 981107
(食品の)表示labeling 960002
表面的なsuperficial 970017
費用を費やしたexpensive 9761103
昼の仕事the day's work 970011
広い視野からfrom a wide perspective 960007
美を通じてthrough the world of beauty 970010
貧困(想像力の)poor imagination 961109
a paucity of imagination
風土culture 960014
cultural climate
プーパースクーパpooper-scooper 981117
風量air volume 970016
福祉機器support equipment 960005
服飾文化costume culture 960009
無事(何事もなく)without incident 961103
不祥事(企業の) (corporate) scandals 981114
不測の事態に備えるprepare for emergencies 970017
付属のprovided 970013
(すばらしい)舞台 (wonderful) opportunity 960007
(費用を)負担するbear 960004
復旧していないbe out of commission 970008
不適当と考えられるbe not considered to be suitable 9700mt
不登校の子供school phobia 981118
those with a history of truancy 981118
埠頭方式の荷役システムa shore-handling system 961113
不特定のunspecified 9700mt
太さ(管の)diameter 970018
船便で(航空便ではなく)by surface 981102
不妊手術を受けるundergo sterilization operation 9700mt
部分営業のpartially in use 970008
(ポリシーに)触れるbe in conflict 960004
プレス加工するpress process 9811176
フン(formal)feces 981117
分解掃除overhaul for cleaning 981113
(西欧)文化にはぐくまれたevolve out of the broader context of (western) culture 960009
粉砕片particle 970018
噴出口discharge outlet 970018
文明の進歩advance in civilization 970011
閉鎖性海域enclosed coastal areas 981104
別紙のin the attachment 981102
ペットの臭いpet odor 981117
変化にいかに対応していくかhow to breast the tide of change 960005
変更はありませんThis remains unchanged, 960004
偏差値deviation value 981118
放出する(体内から物質を)leach 9700tr
北西部the northwest 961108
撲滅するstamp out 960002
ホコリの少ないdust-free 970018
母子maternal and infant 9700mt
補助板auxiliary plate 970015
保存地域preserved area 970009
ボディアースするground car body 970013
本格的なfully 981109
本場(〜の)the center of - 960009
本来の価値the traditional value of 960014
巻き上げられた有機汚泥organic substances stirred up by - 960015
曲げ強さflexural strength 981116
まずさの連続(手順の)a series of blunders 961109
まちづくりurban planning project 981103
マッチングをはかるobtain a better - combination 970012
末筆になりますがIn closing, 960003
窓口interface 970004
point of contact
磨耗指数abrasion coefficient 981116
見えにくい(目盛が)difficult to read 981113
見送るcall off 981102
水と緑water and greenery 961107
水の都water capital 981103
水を流して冷やすcool under running water 981116
導く(鑑賞へ)serve to esthetically prepare visitors for (the objects of art) 970010
道を拓くcreate new opportunities to ... 981105
密閉型gastight 970018
密閉グラブ浚渫closed-type grab dredging method 960018
皆様everyone involved 961104
未来を共に考えるthe future (of the world) is discussed 961106
魅了するcharm 960009
魅力(都市の)ambiance 961114
民間外交civil diplomacy 961106
民間活力private sector 961114
昔から存在しているhave been in existence 960013
無公害のうちにwithout disturbing the environment 981106
向こうに(ドナウ川の)on the opposite shores of (the Danube River) 961114
虫の繁殖insect infection 981117
無償提供するprovide free of charge 970009
無にならないようにするmust be put to good use 961103
make ... as fully effective as possible 961103
銘打ったlabeled 981119
entitled 970005
明示されているbe detailed 9700mt
名目でon the pretext of 970017
迷惑になるbecome a eyesore 961113
メカトロ技術mechatronics expertise 970012
めざして(21世紀を)in anticipation of (the 21st century) 970014
目詰まりしたclogged 981113
(全国の)面積the entire land mass of Japan 970004
面出し調整aligning 981113
面だし不良misalign 981113
目前にしてwith .. almost at hand 981103
もしを可能に変えるchange this possibility into reality 981105
ものづくりmanufacturing goods 961104
ものの考え方way of thinking 960007
求められるbe called for 960002
物語るtypify 981120
焼付くseize 981115
野趣に富むbe full of natural beauty 970010
家賃収入rent from housing 970009
revenue from rents
優越感(〜に対する)を持つdevelop the sense of superiority over - 960011
友好の証となるpromote friendship 961102
有効利用effective utilization 981111
有識者distinguished members 981103
湧昇流convection current 960012
有数のone of the leading - 960015
有する(特徴を)enjoy 970006
誘致するrelocate 961108
行き詰まりimpasse 981120
豊かな生活空間pleasant living environment 981103
夢ではないit will be highly possible to ... 981105
ゆるみ(ベルトの)slack 981113
(〜の)夜明けを告げるmark the dawning of the ... field 981106
よいお年をお迎えくださいI wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. 9600ic
良い収入になるlucrative 9600mt
良いものを残すretain good elements 970009
余韻を漂わせる(鑑賞の)retain the sense of wonder and well-being (brought about by the beauty of - ) 970010
溶射thermal spray 970008
養生時間curing time 981111
(〜が)要する費用expense incurred by 960004
要請される(強く)be in (strong) demand 970012
揚泥sludge unloading 960018
揚泥船unloader-ship 960018
要点を突いているbe well-focused 961103
余暇leisure time 970011
良き隣人good neighbor 981117
汚れがひどい(空気の)heavily polluted 970016
予算期fiscal term 960001
(団地に)よってはat certain (housing units) 981117
(出展)予定(品)(products) intended (for display) 981102
予防接種inoculation 981117
余裕率safety margin 970007
喜びとするところですIt is a source of (immense) pleasure that ... 981104
ライフラインall utilities 970008
ランカシアボイラLancashire boiler 970012
リード付き豆ランプminiature bulb with lead wires 970013
理解を得るdeepen the understanding of ... among the general public 981108
リサイクル活用型製品products using recycled materials 981111
理念concept 960014
理念(東洋の)(eastern) doctrines 970010
流線streamline 960012
利用する(民間活力を)harness 961114
両面テープdouble-sided tape 970015
緑化greening 981105
緑地green area 961108
臨港道路harbor road 961113
レーザー母体材料laser host materials 960013
歴史性historicalness 960014
歴史的に蓄積された生き方a way of life which is rooted in history 960007
the task of living based on guidelines formulated through the course of history
how to live from what adults share with them of the accumulated experience passed down to the next generations throughout the course of history
歴史的に発展するhave expanded through the years 960015
連携(都市間の)collaboration 961107
連携を深めるfoster closer cooperation 970005
(〜期)連続 - consecutive fiscal years 981114
連続運転continuous operation 981115
連帯の輪を広げるpromote solidarity 970005
連絡橋access bridge 981109
老朽木造住宅aging wooden structure 961109
炉筒煙管ボイラflue and smoke tube boiler 970012
論を待たないbe without doubt 961114
わが街our town 960014
分ける(管を)branch 970018
忘れた頃にwhen least expected 961109
(大阪)湾の中心に位置しているbe situated mid-center along the coastline of (Osaka) bay 960015

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