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外圧(強い)(strong)overseas pressure 981120
pressure exerted by a (powerful) trading partner
海外で注目されるarouse international interest 960009
会議を行うmeet 981108
開始後12〜22分で12 to 22 minutes from the start of 961112
解消される(後遺症が)heal 970008
海象条件nautical conditions 960015
海上都市offshore cities 981106
海上文化都市cultural city on the sea 961108
解体除去(建築物の)demolition and removal 970009
開拓使development officials 961113
開拓する(市場を)open 970006
海底地形protuberances on the sea bed 960012
outcroppings on the sea bed
the configuration of the sea bed
快適な(交通機関)convenient (public transportation system) 961105
開発教育development education 960011
開発協力(海外での)(overseas) development cooperation 960011
海抜マイナス134メートル134 meters below sea level 981105
(すっかり)回復したbe completely recovered 970001
外壁材exterior wall 981111
過給ボイラsupercharged boiler 970012
各工程each stage 981111
学識経験者scholars 981103
leaders from academic circles
学術交流academic exchanges 961101
拡大する(月一便を週一便に)the monthly liner service is increased to once a week 961113
拡大する(被害を)amplify 961109
(〜を)核とする地域the area, which centers on - , 960015
学年制がないhave no division of students by grades 981118
各部門authorities of various fields 970007
departments concerned
格別の(ご協力)generous 970003
確保するensure 981109
攪乱turbulence 96
仮題tentatively titled 981101
堅い土質seabed which has been compacted 960018
加工中during processing 981116
過酷な用途でunder severe conditions 981115
過去、現在、未来にわたりthroughout its past and into the future 970006
火山性漁礁fishing banks of volcanic origin 960012
飽食におぼれるbe dulled by the proliferation of food 970017
河川を通じて運ばれるbe carried by rivers 960015
下層の水subsurface waters 960012
ガタlooseness 981113
課題major concern 970008
(〜が)課題となっているone of the great challenges is to - 960005
片田舎の漁村a rural fishing village 960007
硬さrigidity 981116
かつて例を見なかったthis is the first time in history that - 960009
活動時間(人間の)the hours for human activity 970011
活力economic support 981108
金さえ払えばmoney is the answer to any - 970017
可能性を探るinvestigate the feasibility of 981108
(国際協力が)可能な領域areas for possible (international cooperation) 960013
噛み込まれるbe caught in 970013
カルシウム過多calcium overload 9700tr
考える上でin approaching 960007
when considering
(〜ということを)考えるとin view of the fact that 960002
喚起するstimulate 960014
環境に優しいenvironmentally friendly 981119
関係者individuals who play a part in ... 961101
関係資料related information 981108
監事inspector 960008
感じさせる(新しい物を)impart a sense of (something new) 960014
感性的価値sensitivity value 960014
感度が悪くなるsensitivity decreases 970016
管内風速internal air speed 970018
完璧だったextremely well (arranged) 970003
管理者(集合住宅の)the management 981117
関連会社associated companies 970012
(〜)関連技術...-related technologies 961104
関連工事related service 970012

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