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瀬(火山帯の)shallows (of volcanic zones) 960012
成因origin 960012
西欧中心のWestern-oriented 960011
性格の変化the changing nature 960013
「政・官・業」の結びつきpolitical-bureaucratic-industrial collusion 981102
成功に向けてtowards making ... possible 981104
政策の貧しさpoor policy-making 970017
正式借用書the formal acknowledgement of loan agreement 981102
生徒が主体的に学べるstudent centered 981118
整備された(経済環境が)with a stable economic base 981105
整備しつつあるhas speeded up the process for 960002
整備するmaintain and improve 961104
construct 961108
整備する(産業基盤を)upgrade (the industrial infrastructure ) 960006
政府及び地方公共団体national and local government 960002
生物生育条件a life-sustaining level 960015
生物生産biological production 960012
石油燃焼装置coal firing equipment 970012
施工installation of works 981111
施工管理construction management 981109
施工現場work site 981111
是正を要求するpress for the correction of 981120
世帯人口members per household 970007
絶対多数を占めるrepresent the majority 970007
(強力な)接着力(excellent) adhesive properties 981116
前回首位だったlast year's top-ranking 981114
前回と同様as on the previous occasion 970001
全国でin the entire country 970007
全社に広げるbe incorporated into one's entire structure 981119
全社を挙げたcompany-wide 970014
専従事務局regular staff member 960008
選択科目elective subjects 981118
(〜という)前提でbased on the premise that 960013
先導的対応を展開するtake the initiative 961104
lead the nation
lead the way
先頭に立つtake the leadership in -ing 970014
専用工具specified tool 981115
全力を挙げるdevote all one's energy to 981120

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