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美術品objects of art 970010
備蓄food reserves 970017
引っ張り強さtensile strength 981116
必要以上にexcessive 981117
unnecessarily 981117
必要な手を打つtake the necessary steps 961109
必要に迫られるthere is an urgent need to 981107
urgent need to
ひどい汚れexcessive accumulation 981113
避難所securing of shelters 961109
避妊(ペットの)spaying 981117
飛躍的に発展するdevelop rapidly 981107
(食品の)表示labeling 960002
表面的なsuperficial 970017
費用を費やしたexpensive 9761103
昼の仕事the day's work 970011
広い視野からfrom a wide perspective 960007
美を通じてthrough the world of beauty 970010
貧困(想像力の)poor imagination 961109
a paucity of imagination

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