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機械的な(学び方が)theoretical 961109
(〜を)機会にin conjunction with 960004
企画演出力the planning ability 960009
規格統一standardizing 981119
期間(表の項目として)period 960018
機関車型ボイラlocomotive boiler 970012
企業視察company visit 981108
企業の体質corporate image 970014
技術の動向technology (or technological) trends 960013
競う(〜を)- is a critical factor 981115
基礎となるform the foundation (or cornerstone) 960003
期待に応えるrespond to the expectations 960011
(この契約を)機にthrough this agreement 960003
(この提携を)機にbased on the partnership pact 961102
記念すべき第一歩としてas the memorable first step to this end 961102
機能本位のemphasized function only 961113
ギャップ(考え方の)conceptual difference 961113
吸収する(文化を)assimilate 960007
急上昇する(〜位に)climb up to the -th place 981114
休息rest 970011
急速な進歩を遂げるbe being developed at an ever increasing rate 960013
be making rapid progress
吸入圧intake pressure 981115
救命(震災での)rescue 961109
教育改革プログラムProgram for Education Reform 981118
共感を呼ぶ(多くの人の)win the sympathy (of many) 961113
狂犬病注射rabies shot 981117
共生(人間と自然との)harmonious coexistence (of nature and humans) 961107
行政administrative efforts 970005
共通の(問題)pertaining to 960016
共通の世界(を探る)(seek) similarities 960007
共同出資するco-jointly finance 961108
強熱減量ignition loss 960018
業務核都市a business and commercial center 961105
業務処理business processes 970014
共用階段common staircase 970009
協力関係cooperative relationship 981101
協力を求めるseek the cooperation of 981119
居住面積floor area 970007
巨大化するburgeoning 960011
清らかな(自然)pristine 981104
去勢(ペットの)neutering 981117
拠点となるserve as a center of ... 961102
切り拓く(未来を)prepare (for the future) 981103
キロ〜ドルで取り引きされるtraded at $ - per kilo 9600mt
緊急寄宿施設emergency boarding accommodations 981117
金属部metal parts 970013

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