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(〜の)夜明けを告げるmark the dawning of the ... field 981106
よいお年をお迎えくださいI wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. 9600ic
良い収入になるlucrative 9600mt
良いものを残すretain good elements 970009
余韻を漂わせる(鑑賞の)retain the sense of wonder and well-being (brought about by the beauty of - ) 970010
溶射thermal spray 970008
養生時間curing time 981111
(〜が)要する費用expense incurred by 960004
要請される(強く)be in (strong) demand 970012
揚泥sludge unloading 960018
揚泥船unloader-ship 960018
要点を突いているbe well-focused 961103
余暇leisure time 970011
良き隣人good neighbor 981117
汚れがひどい(空気の)heavily polluted 970016
予算期fiscal term 960001
(団地に)よってはat certain (housing units) 981117
(出展)予定(品)(products) intended (for display) 981102
予防接種inoculation 981117
余裕率safety margin 970007
喜びとするところですIt is a source of (immense) pleasure that ... 981104

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