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(〜に)おいてはin terms of - 960011
老いや死age and death 960007
aging and dying
お祝いを申し上げるI would like to congratulate you on 960003
おかげさまでthanks to the continuing patronage of our ever expanding clientele 970012
小笠原諸島the Ogasawara Islands 960012
沖合人口島offshore man-made island 981109
沖待ちの船vessels waiting offshore 961113
お里帰りする(文化が)be reintroduced 960009
お時間をいただきthank you for your valuable time 960003
(今後一層の)おつきあいをcontinue to enjoy a long and 960003
mutually advantageous relationship
同じ色のof corresponding color 970015
(〜と)同じくらいの大きさbe the size of - 960007
同じことが言えるthe same kind of - exist in regard to 960007
in size, it is comparable to that of -
its size is about the same as that of -
お話しするaddress 970004
オフであるnot be in the office 9600ic
(文化という)オブラートにくるまれたsurrounded and affected by (our culture) 960007
tempered by (culture)
お目にかかるhave the pleasure (or privilege) of meeting 970002
重い物がのっているunder heavy load 981116

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