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(高い)シェアを誇るboast a large market share for 970012
時間帯time lot 970014
志願倍率applicant-to-opening ratio 981118
時間を費やすtime-consuming 961103
四季の変化the changing seasons 961112
事業activities 970005
事業所work-place 970006
事業内容business activities 970012
事業量(表の項目として)volume to be handled 960018
視察団mission 981108
支障がないwithout any problem 981115
市場実態the actual market situation 961103
事前協議制Prior Consultation System 981120
自然を損なわないようにin harmony with the original layout of the landscape 970010
without destroying naturalness
時代の変遷とともに(発展する)through the years 961101
事態を改善するrectify the situation 960011
時代を迎えてat a time when - 981102
下着類garments 981102
質的転換(産業の)retaionalization 961108
指定時間(exact) appointment 970014
自動運転automatic operation 970016
(強い)指導力strict guidance 960002
支部(協会の)chapter 960008
支部長chapter head 960008
謝礼honorarium 970003
(〜)しないようにso as not to 981113
社会貢献度philanthropy 981114
社会性(企業の)social responsibility 981114
社会に貢献するcontribute to society 970012
借地農(国家)tenant farmer 970017
収益力profitability 981114
集荷場所(貨物の)a (cargo) transit area 961108
集合住宅housing development 981117
housing complex
集積されるbe rich in 960012
集積する(〜に)concentrate in 970006
住宅設備機器residential fixtures and equipment 981119
住宅対策housing measures 961109
住宅難housing problem 970007
住宅に困るhave difficulty finding adequate housing 970007
住宅面積living area 970007
重点課題important issues 961103
自由な時間(仕事後の)leisure hours 970011
十二分に達成される(目的が)be fully achieved (through) 961104
就任年令age at the time of his assuming the position 981114
(いっそう)重要な地位を占めるgain an (increasingly) important position 960013
宿泊施設accommodation facilities 970008
取材班camera crew 981101
主旨(企画の)intention 981101
樹脂やせresin deterioration 981116
主体authorities 970009
出産可能年齢child-bearing age 9700mt
出張official trip 960004
首都だったserved as the nation's capital 970004
準拠してin line with 981107
準ずる(それに)equivalent (to them) 981114
浚渫dredging 960015
準備するmake arrangement for 970002
省エネルギー装置every-conserving equipment 970012
商業集積business concentration 960014
上下水道water and sewage lines 981106
上下水道汚泥effluent (or sludge) from city water and sewerage systems 960018
条件としてas a condition of 981117
上図・中央のスイッチthe central switch in the illustration above 970016
商店街shopping arcade or mall 960014
消灯するgo off 970013
消費者部門consumer market 960013
情報化時代the information age 960013
使用前にbefore use 970013
賞味期限use-by date 960002
常務理事executive director 960008
ショートshort-circuiting 970013
所期の目的intended objectives 960005
職業水準occupational status 960016
working standard
職業を持つhold jobs 960016
嘱望されたprospected 961106
食糧自給表food self-sufficiency 970017
女性問題women's issues 970005
処分disposal 960015
処分場disposal sites 960018
書面で確認するidentify in writing 981117
所要時間が短いtake less time to 981114
知らずにwithout knowledge 960004
人員の不足staff shortage 960011
真空温水ボイラvacuum-type hot water boiler (VEC) 970012
真空包装機vacuum packaging machine 981115
真空滅菌器vacuum sterilizer 981115
人口分散政策population dispersion policy 981105
人災的側面human factors 961109
人事責任者personnel manager 961103
進取のenterprising 970006
慎重を期すgive careful consideration to 981107
人的及び情報の交流friendship and informational exchange 961106
親友close friend 970002
新緑spring-time greenery(foliage) 970003
人類社会human society 961104
人類の営みmankind's prosperity 981104
進路(生徒の)proposed area of study 981118

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